Community Experience

August 2022 pop-up splash pad event at Nesbitt Preserve Park
squad car - splash pad

Community Experience actions focus on strategies for building a community that provides equitable access to resources and opportunities, while actively striving to eradicate institutional racism.

In response to the Race Equity Report recommendations, the City has increased the frequency of existing community engagement programs, such as Pop-Up Splash Pad, Coffee with a Cop and Fitness in the Parks events. The City is reaching more residents of color by conducting these additional events in diverse neighborhoods.

The City has strengthened partnerships with community service organizations and other programs with renewed focus on diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. The results of these initiatives have included the City hosting its first-ever Iftar (meal eaten after sunset during Muslim observance of Ramadan), construction of the community's first cricket pitch at Nesbitt Preserve Park and the establishment of a local housing trust fund to support affordable housing options.

The strategies underway are described in two areas of recommendations which are outlined in the Race Equity Report:

#1 | Community Events. Devote more resources to promoting block parties and community events to gather residents of different cultures.
#2 | Provide additional support and resources to community members and organizations working on similar diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.