Water and Sewer Utilities

Eden Prairie Water Treatment Plant

The Utilities Division oversees the water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer systems in the community.

Major water components include sampling and monitoring water quality to meet safe drinking water standards; treatment of drinking water for approximately 18,000 service connections; routine testing and maintenance of more than 4,500 fire hydrants; and maintenance of water meters, storage reservoirs, high-capacity deep wells and 398 miles of water distribution system.

Treatment of sanitary sewage is accomplished through a user-fee system provided by the Metropolitan Council. The Division maintains the City-owned sanitary sewer infrastructure, including 23 sewage lift stations, thousands of manholes and 262 miles of sewer main.

Eden Prairie’s storm water conveyance system ensures that surface water runoff is properly managed and transported through a system designed to protect both the environment and property. The Utilities Division maintains over 700 stormwater ponds, 1,500 outfall structures, 687 stormwater basins, countless storm drains and 209 miles of stormwater pipe.

Water Treatment Plant

The Water Treatment Plant can pump a maximum of 28-million gallons of water per day. In 2022, the City treated 2.7-billion gallons, for an average of 7.4-million gallons per day. The record for the most gallons treated and delivered in one day for Eden Prairie was 23-million gallons in 2001.

Each day hard, iron and mineral-laden well water is pumped from the Prairie du Chien-Jordan Aquifer formation deep within the ground to the City’s central Water Treatment Plant, where a lime-softening and filtration process dramatically reduces the water hardness. The minimum necessary amount of free-chlorine is also added to ensure the water remains germ-free all the way to the tap, and the minimum, legal dosage of fluoride is added which has been proven to dramatically reduce dental cavities, even among adults.

Career Opportunities

Careers in utility operations are among the most rewarding in public service. The work is technically challenging with variety from day-to-day, month-to-month and season-to-season. The satisfaction of knowing you are making a difference in the quality of life for your local community each day, coupled with earning a good living, receiving excellent benefits, and experiencing work-life balance, makes a career in water utilities among the highest rated in both job satisfaction and longevity.
