Lost and Stolen Property

Each year, the Eden Prairie Police Department obtains property through confiscation, seizure and abandonment.

If the owner is not found or is not legally able to collect the property within 90 days, the City officially declares the property “abandoned.” The abandoned property is then put up for public auction.

The City uses an online auction service called Property Room that allows anyone from the public to place bids on the items. While Property Room collects a fee for providing the service, the City receives the majority of the proceeds which are then deposited in the General Fund.

Property Room auctions include items from law enforcement agencies across the country and are available on an ongoing basis, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Typical auction items include bikes, cars, rugs, electronics, jewelry, clothing, tools, musical instruments, sporting equipment and more.

Visit PropertyRoom.com to browse for items.

If you have questions or concerns about lost or stolen items in Eden Prairie, contact the Police Department at 952-949-6200.