Prairie Management and Restoration, Prescribed Burns

The City of Eden Prairie conducts prescribed prairie burns during the spring and fall seasons, depending on weather conditions.

When prescribed burns are scheduled in Eden Prairie, residents adjacent to burn areas are notified by mail or door hanger ahead of time. A notification typically occurs the day before the burn. Additional time for notifications is difficult because weather conditions change frequently.

What to Expect

Parks and Natural Resources staff have experience with prescribed burns at the private, local and state levels. Contractors are hired to assist when needed.

Depending on the size of the prairie, a burn could last one to three hours. Although burns are planned to take place during weather conditions that cause the least adverse effects, there may be a short period when smoke is noticeable from your home.

After burning, the ground appears charred, but the spring season brings plant regrowth with a variety of new species.

For questions about prescribed burns in Eden Prairie, contact the City's Parks and Natural Resources Division.

Prescribed Burning Information