To advise the City Council and staff about policies and practices that promote the sustainable development and conservation of Eden Prairie’s air, water, and land resources; reduction of residential and commercial solid waste; and the more efficient use of energy in the economic activities of both the public and private sectors.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Review, examination and evaluation of the City’s operating policies and practices with the goal of improving performance in this area through the recommendation of Best Management Practices. The Sustainability Commission shall recommend the inclusion of appropriate environmental conservation and protection measures into the planning process. Where environmental policy mandates of the state and local agencies require the City’s response, the Sustainability Commission may serve as the body to examine alternatives and make recommendations to the City Council.
- Provide recommendations as to oversight and accountability for municipal and private initiatives in the area of environmental policies that impact Eden Prairie’s energy and natural resources. The Commission shall serve as the liaison and monitoring body for community events and activities that are relevant to the Commission’s purpose.
- Educate the community, including Eden Prairie schools and community groups, about the impact of advances in environmental science, engineering, product development and policies to produce a better informed citizenry about environmental conservation.
Work Tasks
- Recommend best practices for energy conservation for Eden Prairie’s citizens, businesses, institutions and City government, including the 20/40/15 initiative.
- Encourage energy efficiency through appropriate building code improvements.
- Recommend opportunities to increase the City’s use of alternative energy.
- Recommend ways to develop a comprehensive recycling, reuse and municipal solid waste (MSW) reduction program.
- Recommend ways to improve water quality in Eden Prairie.
- Promote tree planting, native landscapes and infiltration of water runoff with rain gardens and other techniques to maintain healthy urban native landscapes and reduce water consumption.
- Recommend ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality in Eden Prairie.
- Recommend ways to integrate natural resource initiatives and programs into other areas of Eden Prairie government, including other commissions and groups, to better promote natural resource management and conservation.
- Educate the public, professional associations, organizations, businesses and industries about improving the community’s environment, both natural and man-made.
Five to nine members-at-large appointed by City Council.
Chair and Vice Chair
Annually appointed by the City Council.
Staff Liaison
Jennifer Fierce, Sustainability Coordinator
Meeting Frequency
Monthly on the second Tuesday of the month