To provide for an open process and a balanced review of development proposals and land use requests, both private and public, with regard to the City’s Strategic Plan, Comprehensive Guide Plan and City land use.
Roles and Responsibilities
- To review and recommend revisions to the Comprehensive Guide Plan as prescribed by law.
- To conduct public hearings as may be required to gather information necessary for the drafting of recommendations to the Council concerning requirements of law and as defined in Chapters 11 and 12 of the City Code.
- To provide an opinion on whether specific proposed developments conform to the principles and requirements for the Comprehensive Guide Plan and the City Code provisions.
- To make recommendations to the Heritage Preservation Commission with respect to the relationship of proposed Heritage Preservation designations to the comprehensive plan of the City, to provide its opinion to the Heritage Preservation Commission as to the effect of proposed designations upon the surrounding neighborhood and any other planning consideration which may be relevant to the proposed designation, and to give its recommendation of approval, rejection or modification of the proposed designation to the Council.
- To review and recommend on additions to or modifications of park and trail and leisure uses of land.
- To achieve balanced growth by utilizing the Strategic Plan and Comprehensive Guide Plan to review land development while respecting the natural environment and private property rights.
- To perform other duties which may be lawfully assigned to it.
Seven to Nine members: Five representatives with experience in the areas of Heritage Preservation, Transportation, Environment, Housing, Leisure Services and two to four at-large members representing a spectrum of interests including Architecture, Land Development, Real Estate, Public Safety, Economic Growth and Landscape Architecture.
Term Lengths/Dates
Typically three-year terms, with exceptions as determined by the City Council. Terms start April 1, terms end March 31.
Chair and Vice Chair
Annually appointed by the City Council
Staff Liaison
Jeremy Barnhart, City Planner
Meeting Frequency
Second and fourth Mondays of each month